Susan Johnson
Disclaimer: Quantum Leap, Sam Beckett, Al Calavicci, Gooshie, Donna, = Sammi Jo, Katie and all other characters including PQL staff members from the QL series belong to Donald Bellisario and Universal Austin Bebrooks, Matt and Leone Tyler, Bernadette Davis, Bernie, Rosie Saint-James, Alfredo, Bruce Danielson, Pete, Peter Saint-James, Marie Olivera - Willis, Willard Olivera, Rickland - Rick, Ruben, Gus - Gustaphus, Corinne, Jimmy and Joel are characters created By Susan Johnson in respect of this Story. Senator Judith Dreasney, Jessie - Jessica Olivera, Yen Hsuieh-lung, Dr. Weasel Mikowski, William Riizliard, Tony Weyland are characters created by Ashley McConnell from the book "Prelude".
A Stitch In Time