Quantum Leap Fan Fiction

These non-professional stories are available here and at the archive site ftp://ftp.cisco.com/ql-archive/alt.ql.creative. The full story guide, including descriptions, is also available.
1. "Ruthie and Al," a story about Al Calavicci's childhood meeting with his future third wife, Ruthie Minkin.

2. "Ruthie's Story," the same story, from her point of view.

3. "Little-Bit," the back story of Al's first wife and true love, Beth Grady (-Calavicci).

4. "Fires that Forge," a story that takes place four months after the final episode of the series, "Mirror Image," and deals with the consequences of Sam Beckett repairing Al and Beth Calavicci's marriage.

Other QL Writing

1. The dedication page for "M.I.A.", a criticism of the Leap episode "M.I.A.," which also appears at Elwyn Chow's Quantum Leap Homepage, where you can find a veritable smorgasbord of _Leap_ related info...

2. The dedication page for "The Leap Home, parts 1 & 2"

3. The dedication page for "Shock Theater."

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