This helps me sort out stories as I receive them. I will generally clip this header off the document when I make it ready for the web page. If you want Chapter or Part headings to appear on the fan fiction page, enter those after the header information.
When I receive your submission, I save the message and then edit the file to remove the mail header. I then add to the top and bottom of the file simple HTML code that set the background and turn on and off the "pre-formatted" text mode.
Submissions should be sent to
Depending on my work load (my real job), fan fiction submissions usually get posted to the page in a day or two after I receive them. If I am under a heavy work load, it may take a few days. You should feel to check with me on the status of your submission.
I am using a new format for stories on the fan fiction page. Stories get their own subpage with a list of chapters. I like to add a "teaser" to the subpage, kind of like the attention-getting text you see on the back of real (i.e., non-cyberspace), printed books. If you would like to pick out the teaser material, send me an exciting paragraph with your first submission for a new story. Otherwise, I will pick something out of your prologue or first few chapters that looks exciting or attention grabbing.