Lady K
THE crush of hot youth enveloped him immediately, a pulsating beat boxing his ears w/its wild thumping. *Please tell me I'm not at a rock concert* Blurs of arms and colorful sweaters whipped about him from towering bodies. A voice crackled and boomed from tinny speakers. Sam clutched the swaying navy and gold jacket in front of him and a tall, strapping young man turned and flashed him an easy smile. Pulling himself to the side, the guy nodded towards Sam obligingly and afforded him a better view. A girl, microphone clutched in hand and sporting a yellow pleated skirt, took center stage, her face angrily slashed w/war paint. "Are we going to let AKRON desecrate OUR FIELD?? NO!! Are we going to send OSU home crying like a bunch of PUNKS?? YES!! Because who the HELL are WE?? ROCKETS!! ROCKETS!! ROCKETS!!" A roar erupted from the crowd and spirit oozed contagiously. Sharp blasts from air horns pierced all common sense and a mad swirl of screaming and laughter exploded, wrapping Sam, too, in its delirious fun. A tiny smile of realization was creeping onto his face. "Oh, Boy," he murmured. *I'm back in school...*
School Daze