Pt. I His wife (how nice did that sound!) slept soundly beside him as he maneuvered the slick black SUV under the gentle instruction of the woman (*Mom? Do I call her Mom?*) in the backseat crooning softly to the babies. Sam quickly feigned exhaustion to account for his mysterious "lapse of memory" regarding their destination. The truck hummed patiently in the intersection. Silently, he prayed that they were going home to closed doors and quiet. He could already see himself folding back the thick spread of some rich comforter and finding Utopia between the sheets. And maybe some sleep. Glancing into the rearview mirror, Sam caught a pair of empathic blue eyes staring back at him. Locks of chocolate brown hair framed a face that was strangely boyish and handsome at the same time. He tilted his host's head slightly to admire his strong jaw line and the faint cleft in his chin. Pulling the heart-shaped lips back in a smile, he noted that the upper row of teeth were interrupted by the tiniest hint of a gap...and that the woman who had called him ~mijo~ was watching this with great amusement. The light turned green. He flashed her an embarrassed grin and proceeded right *Wow, I'm in California again...~again~?* A delicious breeze kicked up and bowed the leaves of the palms that seemed to be lined endlessly on both sides of the street. The small colorful houses cloistered behind iron gates reminded him of Easter eggs dotting parched lawns. Virginia Avenue. He began piloting the car automatically, the pauses, stops and sights seeming familiar to him. The wheels of the Suburban turned smoothly over the gravel of a circular drive and cruised to a stop in front of a Spanish style two-story home overflowing with flowers. "~Estamos aqui, nina,~ " the woman murmured, gently rousing his wife. She mumbled something sleepily in return, pushing her gloriously thick mane from her face. Sam watched as it tumbled over her shoulder like a dark wave, stirring something warm and desired in him. He jumped out and rushed around to her side, bending low and making a grand gesture of sweeping his arm out as he opened her door. "~Papa!~" she sang out, gazing over his shoulder. He straightened up quickly and turned. In the archway of the entrance, a man stood rigid with his arms folded over a crisp dark blue uniform. "Papa" had Sam fixed in his unblinking hawk-like stare. "~Mi princesa.~" He strode briskly toward them, favoring his daughter with a what was probably a rare and treasured smile, nearly brushing Sam aside. "Yeah, nice to see you, too," the time traveler muttered as he watched the man, who without a doubt was either still enlisted or retired from the service, help the young mother carefully to her feet. Just grazing the top of Sam's chin, her father stood at least 5"10' and wiry. He gathered that the officer was probably somewhere in his 60's...and still capable of doing some damage to those who didn't make nice. He cradled each baby in his arms, looking them over keenly before grunting with approval and passing them on to the women. Sam felt the intense gaze of his young bride settling on him. He met the liquid caramel eyes timidly, his knees threatening to buckle under their gravity. He was supposed to say something. He didn't know what. "~Es...un placer a encontrarse Usted, uh...Capitan.~" That was a mistake. The man glared at him coolly. From behind Sam, the older woman tittered. "Bring in the rest of these things," he ordered in crisp, sharp English. Wrapping an arm around his daughter, they started towards the house with the sleeping blue bundle. She cast a long look over her shoulder at Sam, one that felt low and simmering. "~No te preocupas.~" There was the warm and sympathetic hand of the older woman on his arm. Her brown eyes danced mirthfully from a face that had probably never known frowning. She had high cheekbones and fashionably short crimson red hair that was once as black as onyx. Like her daughter's. The resemblance between them was so striking, Sam wondered why he hadn't noticed right away. His mother-in-law chuckled lightly, rocking his newborn girl in her arms. "The Colonel is happy to see you too, Noah." * * * * * * * "Admiral, Dr. Beckett has Leaped." Al slowly peeled open one eye and glared in the direction of the sensuously deceptive purr. It would be just like Ziggy to wait until the exact moment his last nerve unwound and he was welcoming sleep to make an announcement. Or at times when he had money riding on a tied game that was trickling down to a few precious seconds. Or when he was...entertaining. He was still in a mood about having his No Fly Zone rescinded after the hybrid computer managed to link every tiny little malfunction, miscalculation or burst of mayhem to the Observer's slight "tweaking" of the communications program. The Project Quantum Leap Board of Review had quickly and unanimously agreed that Al would just have to grin and bear the invasion of privacy like everyone else. In the same speed that they had come to their decision, Al had also prepared a few choice words. He let his legs dangle over the side of the small bed for a while, impatiently exhaling an angry stream of air. It was his own fault he couldn't eat, sleep other things like a normal man. It was this damn Leap Time, though. It was really becoming a drag. *Well, enough whining, let's get cracking!* he scolded silently, dragging his weary bones out of the bed. His mammoth closet consisted of the entire length of one wall in which he meticulously hung and folded each item of clothing with care. His eyes scanned the dizzying array of aquas, fire engine reds, kiwi limes and his personal ode to metallica. Al reached into a compartment nearly buried behind his favorite After 5 ensembles, or what Sam with affectionate loathing referred to as his "zoot suits." He came away with a simple cream colored sweater and after a bit more rooting, found a pair of denim blue jeans and some comfortable loafers. He pulled all this on over his flannel pjs and tousled his hair a bit w/his fingers. There was an excited buzz of conversation from the conference room, white lab coats twisting this way and that. They were like little kids on Show & Tell Day at school. Everyone was either trumpeting their department's latest triumph or sulking in its failure, but each trying to outtalk the other, vying for importance. Al managed to slip in quietly, allowing his eyes to rove about. *No ~Tina.~* A brief flash of anger lit his face. Dually noted was the absence of the resident shrink, probably pulling an inquisition on her latest victim. "Your attention please." There was a swift pounding of the gavel at the head of the table…if round tables even had ~heads.~ Talk dissipated like the air from a balloon. People quickly found their seats and fumbled around with their Digi-EAR. A few -the PQL "dinosaurs"-- even rustled up pens and notepads and got themselves poised to scribble. "'Leap: L.A. Confidential' will now come to order." A few snickers rose from the table. Some wiseguy was always submitting smart-alecky suggestions for meeting names. Mr. (or Ms.) Anonymous had yet to come clean. "Order," the Director of Staff repeated a little more firmly. "We will begin briefing led by Ziggy." A low and gentle hum filled the room as if the hybrid computer were beaming in recognition. ~Smirking~ was probably more like it. "She" loved the sound of her name almost half as much as hearing herself talk. "It appears that Dr. Beckett has Leaped in the year 1998, the month of April, on a Saturday. His host is Noah Gabriel Jung, Caucasian, approximately 22-26 years in age, six feet and four inches, 210 pounds, married and residing in Long Beach, California. His employment is not yet known and Mr. Jung is unable to recall what he was doing or his whereabouts during the exact moment of the Leap process." There was a short and exaggerative breath here. "As a side note, he speaks fluent Spanish, played left wing defense for his high school hockey team, and calls his mother at least twice a sweet." Al rolled his eyes and as if sensing this, Ziggy continued smoothly, unperturbed. "And no, Admiral, the cause of this Leap has not been established, though I am sure Dr. Beeks would not mind your assistance in the Waiting Room..." He suddenly felt the shift of some 15 pairs of eyes on him. Gushie had barely recognized the blur that sped past him as Al Calavicci when he heard the distinctive bark of the older man to fire up the Imaging Chamber ~post haste.~