CHAPTER 3 PROJECT REVISION, STALLION'S GATE, NEW MEXICO Date: April 1, 1999 In a flurry of electrical energy, he arrived. The first thing he saw was a garlic and onion bagel, loaded with cream cheese. The first thing he heard was a voice issuing over a speaker system. "All persons without proper identification will be charged with trespassing." The voice was atonal, a recording probably. He looked around, stunned. It had actually WORKED. For once, they hadn't been lying to him. This wasn't just another test--another attempt to torture him or abuse him to the point where he quit the program. No, this time it was absolutely real. It had actually worked. He had just traveled through time. Here he was, sitting in a cafeteria. He was someplace completely different from where he'd been seconds before. He closed his eyes, to give himself time to adjust to a new reality, and felt a smile crossing his lips. The nightmare was over--the weeks and months of refusing to give into the harsh training program were finally complete. His life, from now on, would be hard--but it would be a piece of cake compared to where he had already come from and what he had already gone through to get here. Speaking of his lips, he wondered if they really looked like someone else's, now. He had never quite believed the idea of looking like someone else in the past by stepping into someone else's aura--or stepping his aura into someone else's body (the technicians claimed that for some reason, it was never clear which it was). He supposed he'd have to go and check a mirror in a minute or two and see if they were correct about the reality, if not the theory behind it. The moment of travel had been instantaneous, at least, just as they had promised it would be. One breath THERE...and the next a tingle of electrical energy and he was HERE. That was a relief, the first positive thing that had occurred since this whole psychotic mess had started. The pain, the torture he had received was unbelievable, and it hadn't changed anything. "Incapable of helping with Adjustments," they had labeled him. They'd locked him away again, and left him alone in one of those damn blue-lighted rooms. God, how he hated those places. At the time, he'd nearly given up, but now he knew that telling him he was worthless was merely another game in their sadistic attempts to either drive him out of the program or turn his mind into something they could use. He decided once more that if he ever got home--truly home and not merely back to where he came from-- STOP IT, YOU'RE DISTRACTING YOURSELF FROM THE MISSION. The voice in his head was his own, he was sure of that. Nevertheless, it had sounded very similar to the voice of the computer--without inflection and with just a hint of impending doom for anyone who refused to listen. He hoped he was sure it was his own voice, anyway. He had never understood why a computer with that much intelligence refused to have any personality. After all, it had a NAME, for crying out loud. It was self-aware, wasn't it? So how come the computer had never gained a personality? Why was it just called... just called... He had no idea what the computer's name was. He HAD known it, before. He was sure of that. But now, suddenly, he had lost it. He hoped that wasn't the only thing he'd forgotten. He'd heard stories of those who failed or forgot--and he was as terrified of the punishments as anyone else in the program had been. "All personnel leaving the project this weekend will report to the exit officer by 1800 hours today. This is an order." He opened his eyes and looked around the cafeteria as he started replaying the mental list of what he needed to know. Instantly, he realized how bad the change had truly been. He had no idea what his name was. He knew WHO he was...kind of, anyway. He was a doctor--actually, he held several doctorates, of varying degrees. He was here change something, yes, that was right. To put things right, to make sure the future was the correct version. He went on to see what else he remembered. He wasn't from here--he was a time traveler. What had they called it? That's right. He was a leaper. He smiled, as other pieces fell into place. He had proven them wrong, and won the tests they gave him, the ones designed to knock him out of the running for good. He had proven that he was PERFECT for the adjustment, that no one else would EVER BE as strong a candidate as-- "Now what is that smile all about, honey? I hope it's cause we're going to Tahoe for the weekend." Suddenly there was a flurry of movement, a dazzling display of glittering jewelry and fair skin as a woman sat down next to him. She was dynamically pretty, and he realized that she had asked the question. And she'd asked it to him. "So," she continued, her voice a silky purr. "Come on, honey--you're grinning from ear to ear, so spill." Her eyes flashed with amusement and then concern and then anger, almost faster than he could follow. "It's not because of the new secretary is it?" Even in anger, her voice was designed to melt men's hearts. "I swear," she growled, "if your eyes have started to roam one more time, I am going to lock you out of our bedroom forever and write out the divorce proceedings tomorrow!" He watched, helpless as the woman beside him became more and more excited. Finally, when she paused just long enough to take a breath, he spoke. "No, no, no. You have it all wrong. Um. baby." Her mouth clamped shut and her eyes narrowed slightly, watching him. "Really," she said. "Then why haven't you told me about the smile? You're hiding something, I can see it in your eyes." He glanced away and then realized that would make him look just as guilty as she believed him to be and looked back. After all, she HAD to believe he was who she thought he was for his mission to work. Everyone here did, but given that she was clearly his girlfriend--or wife or lover or something--it was even more imperative that he pull of the charade of being someone else with her. Every mission a leaper was sent on required the leaper never be found out. He took a deep breath and made sure his voice was calm. "I'm not hiding anything, darling. Not at all. I was just embarrassed to say what I was thinking." She leaned back in her chair, doubt still clear in her pose. "Embarrassed? Why?" He leaned closer, and smiled again, as seductively as he knew how. Unfortunately, he hadn't seduced anyone in years, and it looked more like needing a laxative. "I was thinking about what we're going to be DOING at Lake Tahoe," he whispered. "Tonight." She clearly didn't understand what he was saying. "In bed..." Finally, her eyes lit up as she saw his direction, and she giggled deep in her throat and leaned closer. "Well, now, I wouldn't want you to get all embarrassed over that," she whispered back at him. "After all, an embarrassed man can't play well." Her hand traced across his arm, under the table, and towards his inner thighs. "And if you can't play, then I can't play." He gasped suddenly and clamped his legs together. She chuckled. "As long as I still make you feel that way, then you can smile all you want to." Her hand slid away from him, and he relaxed. "See you soon, tiger. You're so CUUUTE." The woman got up and walked away from the table, her hips exaggerated for his effect. He watched her walk away, his feelings a profound relief. Thank God they were so close. If he'd had to call her by name, he'd have been in real trouble. He couldn't remember that, either. It was like his memory was swiss-cheesed or something... Sammy Jo Fuller dropped food onto her plate without really even seeing it as she moved through the cafeteria line. What could the cigar she had found possibly mean? If timelines had changed that radically, wouldn't there have been a greater indication somewhere? Then again, maybe there WAS a greater indication--just not here at the Project. She promised herself that somehow she'd make sure to get a chance to check the research archives later in the day to see if there were any noticeable changes in history. Of course, any changes that HAD been made she might not notice, as her memories of the world and the timeline should have changed with them. At the same time, she HAD found the cigar. And as silly as that sounded, that might mean she was outside the changes this time. She might be able to spot things that were different. She might even be able to affect things because of that difference. She might even be a focus for the new timeline. That would be exciting. It could also be very dangerous. "Hi, Sammy!" Sammy turned her attention back to reality, and saw Tina Martinez-Farrell walking away from her husband, Gooshie. Tina was swaying her hips outrageously, Sammy Jo noticed, obviously trying to entice her husband out of his usual rude and obnoxious state of mind. Sammy Jo just didn't understand what Tina saw in him. They fought constantly, threatened divorce easily three times a week, and separated every other month. Yet in the end, they always remained together. Tina said it was as if Time or Fate or Destiny or Whatever had made them for each other. Gooshie said it was because she was incredible in bed. Man, sometimes she really wished someone would leap into GOOSHIE and revise him. But that wasn't something she said to Tina--it was too important for Tina to be fighting FOR Sammy Jo at the project. Otherwise, Gooshie would long ago have won out with his fight against her and she'd have been kicked out, losing her clearance and any chance of what she was trying to do here. So she put a smile on her face and turned to Tina. "Hey, Boss Lady," Sammy Jo said brightly. "How's the ole' sourpuss?" She kept the tone light, so Tina would believe it a joke and not Sammy Jo's real feelings. Tina smiled. "He and I are spending the weekend in Lake Tahoe." She batted her eyes melodramatically and said, "Somehow I think we're going to spend most of it near the fireplace. Isn't he just the cutest thing?" Sammy Jo smiled. Or tried to, anyway. "Cute as baby's behind," she said, mentally adding the addition 'after it's had an accident.' Then she realized what Tina was really saying. and blurted out, "You're both leaving town this weekend?" Tina nodded, grinning like a cat who's got a room full of mice and an empty stomach. "Then who's going to be in charge of Alpha? Who's going to run all the tests and control the research and necessary theories for the revisions?" Tina smiled even wider. "The chain of command is perfectly clear on that, darling," she said. "If the Head Programmer and Head Designer are both out of town or unavailable, then the person in charge of Alpha is the Assistant Program Head." She reached out a delicate hand with it's bright-blue nail paint and tapped Sammy Jo on the shoulder. "In other words, dear--you. Have fun playing chess or thermonuclear war or whatever you do with it, Sammy Jo. I've got to get the lingerie packed!" Tina left the cafeteria at a dash, and Sammy Jo sat down heavily at a table. Her mind was already making plans. With the two of them gone, Sammy Jo could deal directly with Alpha. No one in between. No one to tell her the figures were incorrect or that her theories were insane. For forty eight hours, Sammy Jo would have Alpha all to herself. And she could spend all that time figuring out what the cigar meant--figuring out whether it was a serious problem, a chance for a solution or something she hadn't even considered. Best of all, she could see if it had anything to do with the goal she spent all of her free time (and much time that wasn't free) trying to reach. For an entire weekend, Sammy Jo could finally focus on trying to find the first leaper, Sam Beckett. Because no matter what anyone else said, Sammy Jo didn't believe that his first and only leap (nearly 4 years ago now) had killed him. She was convinced he was still out there, somewhere. She was convinced he had SUCCEEDED...and that he was leaping around, putting things right that had gone wrong. Project Quantum Leap had once been designed for the good of mankind--and Sammy Jo believed that Sam Beckett was still following that goal. If he knew what the project had become, if he were here now, he would be horrified to find out what his once noble goals had been twisted into without his leadership. Sammy Jo knew that the only chance she--or indeed, anyone--had was to get Sam Beckett back here, so that he could stop this nightmare that had been torn from his dream. But in order for that to happen, Sam Beckett could not have died in that first leap--he had to be alive. She intended to prove that this weekend. And then she intended to bring him home. She prayed to God 48 hours would be enough time...