Author's Note: Well, here's the promised leap. To prevent confusion, I made it a separate story. By doing this, I also put ETC on hold, again, to complete this story. It is necessary to read Chapters 1-11 of ETC before reading KELLY. Since Sam is in this story, occasionally, ^* are memories. This is different from ETC. Thoughts and stressed words are still *. I hope this doesn't confuse anyone Questions? Disclaimer: Quantum Leap is a property of Donald P. Bellisario. All standard disclaimers to characters, and the rights to them, apply. August 1997 *********************************** PROLOGUE The familiar sensations of the leap faded and Sam blinked several times, adjusting to the bright light. He found himself sitting up in a bed, alone and fully clothed, with a book in his hand. A quick survey of his attire confirmed, at least momentarily, that he had leaped into a male. Sam took in his surroundings, a luxury he seldom had on every leap. He was in a small room that was furnished with the bed he was sitting on, a night stand, a desk, a chair, and a wardrobe. A radio and a lamp sat on the desk. A clock that read a few minutes before nine, and another lamp (which provide the source of bright light) sat on the night stand beside him. Pictures hung on the plain white walls of the room. The pictures that Sam could see were of planes and ships. An open door led to a bathroom and a closed door presumably led out. The familiarity struck Sam instantly. He had been in this room before. Or at least, one similar. The answer, surprisingly, came to Sam without much difficultly: Bingo had occupied a room similar to this one in 1957. Or more precisely, Al had occupied a room like this one in 1957. *This guy must be in the military too,* Sam thought. He closed the book and noticed for the first time that the man was wearing a school ring. *Annapolis, 1956? When did Al graduate?* Sam closed his eyes and tried to remember. All he could remember was the month and year of Al' birth, June 1934. Sam did the arithmetic and came up with 1956. "Oh, boy," he said softly. There were too many coincidences. He must have leaped into Al. Having just leaped from San Diego 1969, to tell Beth to wait, Sam rationalized that he was here to complete another task for his best friend. Sam paused in the act of getting up. *I remember talking to Beth! I remember that bar, too!* Sam tested his memory in other areas: his doctorates, his brother's wife's name, the names of the cows back home. *Tom's married to someone named Colleen!* The cows and most of his doctorates failed to come to him. A thought occurred to Sam, *Maybe I wasn't successful in convincing Beth to wait for Al. Maybe, I'm getting another chance to help them.* Sam quickly got up and crossed to the bathroom. He fumbled for the light switch and looked into the mirror. Blonde, icy blue eyes, at least 6'1, and in his mid-twenties. The stranger blinked at him, surprised. "I'm not Al!"