QUANTUM LEAP - REUNIONS INTRODUCTION: The name of the proposed Quantum Leap full-length feature film is Quantum Leap - Reunions, and it attempts to adhere to the characterizations, situations, and parameters established during the Quantum Leap television series. The underlying goal of the film is to reconcile a number of situations left unresolved by the series. The plot explains why Sam never went home again, as was indicated at the close of the series finale. Through reunions between the characters along with the characteristic righting of wrongs, the story line resolves Sam's relationship with Donna (his wife), Al's promise to see Teresa again ("Another Mother" episode), Sam's relationship with Tamlyn (his lover in the "Temptation Eyes" episode), and it allows Sam to fulfill his own emotional and physical needs as he continues his work - leaping through time, putting right what once went wrong. This Quantum Leap - Reunions screenplay is written as a sequel to the television series. Therefore it is necessary that the screenplay use scenes from various episodes of the series, either in the form of "live action" or flashbacks, to provide background information for the viewer. The author of this work realizes the scenes and characters from the Quantum Leap television series are copyrighted, and the author of this work in no way presumes to take any literary credit for same. "Reunions" utilizes scenes from the final episode of the Quantum Leap series, "Mirror Image". The use of these scenes is intended to give necessary background information to benefit any viewers that may have forgotten (or did not see) the final episode of the series. THEREFORE, CREDIT FOR THE GENERAL CONCEPT AND CHARACTERS OF QUANTUM LEAP BELONGS TO THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT; CREDIT FOR THE OPENING SCENES OF THIS SCREENPLAY BELONGS TO THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT OF THE FINAL EPISODE OF THE QUANTUM LEAP SERIES ENTITLED "MIRROR IMAGE", DONALD P. BELLISARIO, WRITER. CREDIT FOR THE FLASHBACK SCENES BELONGS TO THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT OF THE INDIVIDUAL EPISODE AND/OR: DONALD P. BELLISARIO, WRITER, "MIRROR IMAGE", "HONEYMOON EXPRESS", "MIA", "THE LEAP BACK"; DEBORAH PRATT, WRITER, "ANOTHER MOTHER"; PAUL BROWN, WRITER, "TEMPTATION EYES". CREDIT FOR THE EXTENDED PROLOGUE, AS TAKEN FROM THE CD, BELONGS TO THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT FOR SAME. The balance of the screenplay is presented in suggested dialogue and action, or through explanation of action and dialogue. It is five years before those working on the Quantum Leap Project are able to again make contact with the main character, Sam Beckett. This is because he has been leaping through time as himself rather than leaping into another individual, and the computer (Ziggy); has not been able to get a complete lock on his location before he leaps again. The primary leap in the film deals with gang violence and the tragedy experienced by the innocent victims of drive-by shootings. The author of this work does not possess the resources required to research and develop the dialogue for this section. Furthermore, it is assumed the producer will want to choose the location and, thus, the ethnic backgrounds of the gangs. Once these aspects are determined and the research is done, character names and the balance of the dialogue for this aspect of the film can be established and completed. The location will also dictate the parameters of the chase scene when Sam is running from his pursuers. The characteristic "righting of all wrongs" is achieved through the prevention of the drive-by shooting, the resolution of Donna's and Sam's relationship, the resolution of Sam's and Tamlyn's relationship, and the resolution of Sam's lonely life. As was the case in the series, the film's ending is the actual beginning of a sequel; the ending of which is the actual beginning of a third movie. (A suggested synopsis is included on each possible sequel.) In developing the plot for Quantum Leap - Reunions, great care was taken to analyze the characters established during the series and to make certain the resolutions of the situations were in keeping with the established characterizations. An example: Sam is in the business of putting right what once went wrong. Throughout the series, Sam represented all that is good in mankind. True, he is human, with human frailties; but his sense of justice, honor, integrity, loyalty, and knowing "right from wrong" is of the highest caliber. Because Sam never goes home, he deprives himself of a loving and caring relationship and he leaves his wife's life in limbo and prolonged uncertainty. It might be automatic to consider either having her join him in the feature film or devising some other plan for them to get together. Further reflection would make one realize this would be impossible and would not make their situation "right". In keeping with his character from the series, Sam's sense of guilt would make it virtually impossible for him to ever justify his past actions to his wife; he could never make it up to her. His initial joy at being reunited with her would eventually turn into a need to continually atone for his "unfaithfulness". That is one "wrong" he could never make "right". Although he would still feel guilty, most of his acts of unfaithfulness during the series were necessary to resolve lives and right wrongs. However, at times Sam did fall deeply in love and often experienced the sexual expression of that love. Although these occurrences were understandable, they were not always necessary to right the wrongs he was there to correct. In the "Catch a Falling Star" episode, he fell in love with someone he had loved in his past, but the person he leaped into was in love with her as well. In the "Trilogy", he just plain fell in love with the woman he met, and it is assumed the child from that encounter, Sammy Jo, is his. But Abigail thought Sam was actually the character into whom he had leaped; when Sam leapt out, the character remained. She did not know she had lost Sam and the resolution of her situation was given at the conclusion of those episodes. However, with Tamlyn in "Temptation Eyes", she knew it was Sam because of her psychic abilities. When he leapt out, she lost him; she knew she had lost her love, and she was certain she had lost him forever. Her situation was left as open and pending as Donna's situation. Sam fell in love because he is human and did not remember he was married to Donna in the future. Had he remembered, he still may have fallen in love because he is human, but he would never have done anything physical about it. For someone with such high ideals, falling in love with another would be difficult enough to atone for; the act of experiencing the physical nature of that love would be impossible to atone for. Thus, the film should resolve Sam's situation of being without love; Donna's situation of being without her husband; and Tamlyn's situation, having lost her true love. Janey Balogh - RhymeNSurf@AOL.COM QUANTUM LEAP - REUNIONS PROLOGUE The movie opens with the dialogue from the "Prologue" from the CD with the following revisions, accompanied by images of Dr. Sam Beckett's leaps through time - as shown in the series. NARRATOR Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Sam Beckett led a unique group of scientists into the desert to develop a top secret project known as Quantum Leap. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Beckett prematurely stepped into the project accelerator, ...and vanished! He awoke to find himself in the past, suffering from partial amnesia and facing a mirror image that was not his own. Fortunately, contact with his own time was maintained through brain-wave transmissions with Al, the project observer, who appeared in the form of a hologram that only Dr. Beckett could see and hear. Trapped in the past, Dr. Beckett found himself leaping in and out of other peoples' lives. Each person he leaped into would wait in the future while Dr. Beckett assumed the appearance and identity of that person until he could put right what once went wrong and leap out again. With each new leap, Ziggy, the project computer, could locate and lock-on to Dr. Beckett through the person in the Waiting Room. Al could then stand in the Imaging Chamber and Ziggy could transmit Al's image to Dr. Beckett to help identify and complete each task. For years, Dr. Beckett continued his quest to make the world a better place by righting wrongs; always hoping to one day return home to his own time and his own identity. At this point in the images from the various leaps from the series, show images from "Mirror Image" starting with flashing lights as he begins the Leap; Sam materializes in front of the bar. NARRATOR Thus, it was quite unexpected when Dr. Beckett suddenly materialized and found his own image staring back from his reflection. Sam sees himself in the mirror behind the bar. NARRATOR For the first time, Dr. Beckett had not leaped into someone - he had leaped as himself! Unfortunately, this meant there was no one in the Waiting Room, and no way for Ziggy to quickly lock on to Dr. Beckett's location. And so began the search to find Dr. Beckett... FADE IN: INT. QUANTUM LEAP CONTROL ROOM - THE FUTURE >From "Mirror Image" Al is talking with Gushie, as they get ready to search for Sam. AL So how long is this NANO Search going to take? GUSHIE A little over a month. AL A month! You expect me to stand in the Imaging Chamber for a month? GUSHIE Well.. well Ziggy estimates there is an 80% chance we can acquire a neuro-lock in as little as two-and- a-half weeks; give or take a day or two. AL Gush-ie!... (Al enters the Imaging Chamber.) Ready, Gushie? GUSHIE Affirmative, Admiral. Al starts the NANO Search with the hand link. AL I know you're out there somewhere, Sam. Lock on to me, Buddy; lock on. Al stands in the whirlwind of the Nano Search. FADE OUT: FADE IN: Al is still in the Whirlwind. Caption: Hours Later AL Gushie, this isn't working. I'm getting dizzy. GUSHIE We've hardly begun, Admiral. If we could only narrow the search. AL Sam's birthday. Wherever he is, it's his birthday. GUSHIE How do you know that? AL It's just a feeling... I have a hunch. Have Ziggy search his birthdays. INT. BAR FROM "MIRROR IMAGE" - THE PAST The Bartender-Al pours the Bar-Gushie a drink. Sam sees the Bar-Gushie as a young man in the mirror, but as an old man standing next to him. BARTENDER-AL Can you accept what you see as reality? SAM (points to one then the other) Which reality do I accept? That one, or that one? BARTENDER-AL Haven't you accepted both; looking in all those mirrors? SAM You are the one who's been leaping me, aren't you. BARTENDER-AL I wouldn't say that. SAM Well what would you say? BARTENDER-AL That he's... (points to Sam's reflection in the mirror) ...been leaping you through time. SAM No. No, no, NO. No way... No way will I buy that. BARTENDER-AL Why did you create Project Quantum Leap, Sam? SAM To travel in time. BARTENDER-AL Why did you want to travel through time? SAM Because... I (fumble-stutter) I wha-wah-wanted to uh... BARTENDER-AL To make the world a better place? SAM Of course; to make the world a better place. BARTENDER-AL To put right what once went wrong? SAM Yes... But not one life at a time. BARTENDER-AL Ah! I've got Mother Teresa here. Do you really think that all you've done is change a few lives? SAM Basically, yes. BARTENDER-AL At the risk of over-inflating your ego, Sam, you've done more. The lives you've touched, touched others. And those lives, others. You've done a lot of good Sam Beckett; and you can do a lot more. SAM I don't want to do more..... I want to go home. BARTENDER-AL Then why haven't you? SAM Because I don't control my future. You do. BARTENDER-AL Sam. You will only do this as long as you want to. SAM Are you saying I can leap home any time I want to? BARTENDER-AL Technically, yes. SAM What's the catch? BARTENDER-AL The catch... is that you have to accept that you control your own destiny. CUT TO: INT. QUANTUM LEAP CONTROL ROOM - FUTURE Still scenes from "Mirror Image". Gushie announces getting a lock. CUT TO: INT. BAR IN THE PAST Al appears in the bar. AL Thank God. Sam! Sam. Come on, outside. Outside. Al waves to Sam to follow him outside. Sam follows. SAM Al. AL Good. Outside, Sam..... Hey.. Ahhh. It's so good to see you. SAM (spoken over Al's words) I can't believe you found me! AL Yeah, I'm here, but where is here? SAM Al's place. AL (laughs) I always wanted my own bar. SAM Yeah, well this is more than a bar, Al. This is where it all started. AL Eh, what started? SAM Quantum Leap. AL Well, but this isn't.. this isn't New Mexico. SAM No. No, no, not the Project... you remember the first time I leaped... and... we all thought that someone or something... grabbed me.. AL Yeah. SAM He's the... (points through the window at Bartender-Al) someone or something that... grabbed me. AL You mean the bartender? SAM Yeah. That bartender's been leaping me around. He wants me to believe that I'm the one leaping me, but I... CUT TO: AL Sam, uh, I think we'd better get you out of here. SAM No, Al. Please, please... everything I'm telling you is the truth. AL Yeah-eh, eh... You haven't been leaped around by God or fate or time; but, no, you've been leaped by a bartender. SAM Yes, but he's not just a bartender. That's what I've been trying to tell ya, Al, I think he is God, or time, or fate, or maybe something we've never even thought of. AL Gushie! CUT TO: Sam laughs, then glances over his shoulder into the bar. AL It's not funny. SAM Ah, but it is... AL Why! SAM I don't know Al, it just..it.. AL Ahhh, Sa.. ahhh.. just take it easy. I'm gonna go back and figure this out with Ziggy, but... I'm gonna get you out of this.... Whatever it takes, I'll... I'll get you out of this. Al leaves through the Imaging Chamber door. The Bartender-Al comes outside to join Sam - edit out "Al's uncle" and "I've always found coincidence amusing". Sam You still want me to believe that I'm... leaping me. BARTENDER-AL Sam, if you became a priest... SAM I've been a priest. BARTENDER-AL So you have... If the priesthood had been your chosen life... even though the church might move you from parish to parish, don't you have to accept responsibility for the life you lead? SAM Even a priest can quit. BARTENDER-AL That's true. Humm... But they can also take sabbaticals. Especially before embarking on a difficult, new assignment. SAM Are you telling me that the leaps are gonna get tougher? BARTENDER-AL Where would you like to go, Sam? SAM (long pause) Home.... CUT TO: Flashbacks from other episodes added here to the current scenes from "Mirror Image". First: Scene from "MIA" - Al: "I was an MIA; and my wife thought I was dead; and by the time they got word to her that I was alive, she had remarried and then disappeared." Second: Scene from "Honeymoon Express" - Al: "Ya know, my first wife and I spent our honeymoon on the train to Niagara Falls, and my third wife, and my fourth wife, or was it the fifth?" Third: Scene from "MIA" - Al: "Beth is the only woman I ever really loved; she's the only one I ever wanted to grow old with. That's why all my marriages never worked after that.... Sam, if you're LUCKY, life is gonna give you ONE SHOT at true love.. and Beth was mine. I lost her but you could get her back." End of flashbacks. SAM I'd like to go home. But I can't, can I?... I've got a wrong to put right for Al. You knew that, didn't ya? BARTENDER-AL God bless, Sam. Sam leaps. INT. BETH'S HOUSE - NIGHT >From "Mirror Image" Sam materializes as himself. SAM Beth. BETH (gasps) Who are you? How... How did you get in here? SAM I'm not gonna harm you; I'm here to help you. Help you and help Al. BETH Al... You're, you're a friend of Al's? SAM Yeah.... I'm a friend of Al's... Do you think we could sit? Sam and Beth sit on the sofa. SAM I'm gonna tell you a story, Beth. A story with a happy ending. But only if you believe me. BETH And if I don't? SAM You will. I swear you will... But instead of starting with Once Upon a Time, let's start with the happy ending. Al's alive. And he's coming home. Beth cries with joy. Cut before "leap" on photo of Al. The status lines from the end of "Mirror Image" are shown, changing the first to "Beth doesn't remarry. She waits for Al." The status lines continue as they originally appeared, beginning with "She and Al have 4 daughters..."; and ending with "Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home." End of Introductory scenes from episodes of the series.=1A