QUANTUM LEAP - REUNIONS ACT 3A 4TH REUNION: EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT Sam walks the streets, presenting a lonely, sad figure; it is drizzling or wet. Flash-back of scenes from various episodes intermingled with shots of Sam walking the streets. First scenes from "The Leap Back": Sam and Donna on the terrace after making love, then scene where they say good-bye in the control room. That shot melds into the shot of Sam and Tamlyn saying good-bye; then other scenes from "Temptation Eyes" episode, recalling Tamlyn and his love for her, ending with her face. Music in background "I Wanna Know What Love Is", as used during the "Temptation Eyes" episode of the series: Sam leapt into a reporter; Tamlyn was a psychic that knew it was Sam, and not the reporter. They fell in love and had a strong sexual relationship. Sam saved her life on Valentine's Day. Sam suddenly stops. Then smiles. SAM Tamlyn. He leaps. INT. CROWDED PIANO BAR - NIGHT - February 15, 1985 Sam materializes as himself on the evening of the day after he left Tamlyn and walks to the vacant piano, sits down, and plays and sings a love song: an original song, "Give Me Your Love". As Sam begins the song, Tamlyn hears him - FEELS him; turns; can barely see him through the crowded room. SAM (sings) Give me your love. Don't go away, don't take your heart from me. TAMLYN (softly out loud, but to herself) Sam? She weaves her way through the crowded bar toward Sam as he finishes the first verse. A man (RICARDO ADAMS) is shown watching her. SAM (finishes first verse) Let me hear you say our love was meant to be. Give me your love. Tamlyn stops as soon as she recognizes Sam for certain as the first verse ends. Tears form in her eyes. TAMLYN (said between verses - softly, out loud, but spoken to herself) Sam. Tamlyn stands for a moment, composing herself, as Sam starts the second verse. After he sings the first line, she begins walking over to the piano. She arrives at the piano as Sam sings the last line of the second verse. SAM (sings second verse) Give me my life. Don't take away the feelings that should grow With each passing day. Please let the embers glow. Give me my life. Tamlyn stands beside the piano. Sam looks up at her as he sings. SAM (sings) Love is meant to be a part of our lives. Like good harmony's part of a song. Love for you and me, as part of our lives, Could make you see denying it would be so very wrong. Tamlyn sits beside him. SAM (sings) I beg you, Love. Don't let the fire die without a chance. Don't ask me why I knew with our first glance. In that brief sigh our love could but enhance. All our living and our being, All our giving and receiving; Give me your love. I beg you, Love. When the song is finished, people clap, but Sam and Tamlyn ignore them. TAMLYN (earnestly; hungrily) Sam. They kiss; the music swells. TAMLYN I didn't know why I came here, tonight. I had a premonition... but I thought it was to drown my sorrows in wine. SAM God, you look good. I understand it's been five years. TAMLYN I DON'T understand. You left yesterday... You left, and I thought I'd never see you again. But you're here. We're here together! Embrace. SAM Yeah, we're here. Let's get out of HERE. INT. TAMLYN'S APARTMENT BUILDING - SAME NIGHT Begin with shot of exterior of building, cut to Sam and Tamlyn as they are anxiously unlocking her door. They kiss at Tamlyn's front door, enter apartment, move to bedroom, tenderly undress each other, then to the bed. They begin making soft, tender, sensuous love. FADE to black. INT. TAMLYN'S APARTMENT - THE NEXT MORNING: TAMLYN I can hardly believe you're really here. SAM I told you I could come back. TAMLYN Yes, but I didn't see it. I didn't believe you. SAM There are some things your powers just can't see. When you look into the future you see what's going to happen as of right then, but that's really only one of many possibilities. My work lets me change those possibilities. I use Time to change what once was to give new and better possibilities to the future. EXT. A PICNIC IN A PARK - NOON THE SAME DAY Overview, then moving in to a closer shot. As they are talking, Sam is unlacing his shoe. TAMLYN It's called your String Theory? SAM Yeah. See, our lives... Well... just one more sec... (finishes getting his shoestring unlaced; holds it up) Pretend the days of your life are continuous, like a piece of string; or like my shoelace... TAMLYN Continuous, but with a beginning and an end? SAM Right! When you tie the ends of the string together... TAMLYN (she takes the shoelace. Spoken with unexpected realization; a little bit of wonder) The days of my life form a continuous loop, with no beginning and no end! SAM You're good at this. Now put your life in my hands. Tamlyn places the shoelace in his hands. SAM When I ball it up... TAMLYN OH! It's like the days of my life touch each other! SAM Out of sequence. That's basically why a person can leap from one point in time to another, within their own lifetime. TAMLYN So that's what happened to you? SAM (spoken reflectively) Yeah... That's what happened to me.... (directly to Tamlyn) So, You ready to go? As they gather their picnic things, the camera fades to the next scene. INT. A RESTAURANT - DINNER THAT NIGHT A photographer, taking photos of the people dining, takes a photograph of the two of them, together. Sam buys it. TAMLYN Are you married? SAM No; not any more. I was, in the future. But, when I changed something in the past, I changed that as well. TAMLYN I'm sorry. SAM No. It's OK. I didn't even remember I was married until after I had changed her life. It's as if I made her life better. I righted a wrong. I can't imagine her, in the future, waiting for a husband that doesn't even remember her and that will never come home again. And when her life changed, ultimately it gave us both peace. I may be involved in picking to where I leap myself around in time, but the higher authority that gets me to where I'm going is watching over me; always lending a hand, even when I don't know I need it. TAMLYN Thank him for me. INT. DANCING AFTER DINNER. - THE SAME NIGHT. SAM What about you. Are you married? TAMLYN You haven't been able to tell? They both laugh. TAMLYN I mean we've spent almost every moment of the last two weeks together. SAM Sorry... But, see, technically for me that was 5 years ago! So, have you ever been married? TAMLYN No. I didn't know what love was until you. They kiss. SAM I mean, before me, was there anyone special? TAMLYN I've never really gotten close to anyone before. Not before you. My gift seems to scare guys off. I guess it makes them nervous. SAM No former boyfriends? No jealous ex-lovers I should worry about? TAMLYN No... The last guy I went out with was before I went to England. When I got back I met you. Or I met that reporter, Dylan Thomas, who you had leapt into. So technically I met you at the same time.... Gracious, even though I understand it all, it still seems so crazy - like something straight out of a sci-fi movie! SAM (laughs) I know what you mean. So, the Guy. Was he special, or important to you? TAMLYN No... I only went out with him that one time. You know, it's strange, but... well, actually, I don't have any real perception of him. None at all! I... I don't think we ever even held hands! I don't think we even touched. At least, not that I can remember. I guess he was OK... polite and all... but there was something about him... I'm not sure what it was; just something wasn't quite right. At least not for me. At any rate, he was more interested in me than I was in him. Besides, he wasn't my type! SAM Who could blame him? They kiss. EXT. CITY STREETS - THAT SAME EVENING Interactive voice-overs of Sam telling Tamlyn about the people and situations he has leaped into, as we watch them walking back to Tamlyn's apartment. The dialogue is partial and intermittent, fading into music then back to dialogue. SAM My first leap, was into a test pilot... Fade to music... TAMLYN You leaped into a Mafia HIT man? SAM Yeah, but I wasn't there to kill anybody, I was there to help him get together with the woman he loved... Fade to music... SAM ...See the guy I leaped into was in the Navy and had just come home from a tour in Japan. The surprise he had brought home with him for his family was his Japanese wife! TAMLYN Some surprise!... SAM Yeah, but see, I didn't know yet that I was there to get them to accept her. I didn't even know she was there with me, so I left her at the bus station! TAMLYN OH, NO! SAM Yes! Fade to music... TAMLYN ...So I guess you really liked Jimmy. SAM Yeah, I really did. And I was there to get them to accept him as an equal, even though he had down- syndrome... Fade to music... TAMLYN ...But how could Teresa see you? Was she psychic like me? At least I think that's why I could see you as you really were. And how could she see Al? I can't see Al. SAM When I leapt into Dylan Powell, I think it was our love through your psychic powers that allowed you to see me as I really am. Everyone usually sees me as the person I leap into. The usual exceptions are innocent children under 5, animals, and even some crazy people. They can see me as I really am, and they can also see Al's hologram. Teresa was only four, so she could see us. You are the first psychic that I know about that's been able to see me as I really am. In their original history, Teresa's brother had disappeared, and all they ever found was his bloody clothes... Fade to music... SAM ...I leaped into a black man again, this time to save his granddaughter by playing pool! TAMLYN Can you play pool? SAM Not very well! Not good enough to SAVE anyone! Without Al using the hand link to show me where to hit the ball, I would have never been able to do it. But when he ran out of power... Fade to music... SAM ...the Watts riots were horrible... Fade to music... SAM ...everyone thought she had run- off and left her family, but she hadn't. She had just gone for a walk and fell off a cliff and was stuck on a ledge. TAMLYN But you were just a little kid... and you had to save her life?... Fade to music... TAMLYN (trying to suppress her laughter, but not succeeding) ...You actually leaped into a chimpanzee? SAM Stop laughing! TAMLYN I'm sorry, Sam.... I can't help it. SAM Yeah. Well, the worst part was the diaper. TAMLYN (snickers) Diaper!... (explodes in laughter) Fade to music... SAM ...then I leapt into Jimmy again. I don't think I picked that target. I think whoever watches over me sent me there because Jimmy needed my help. That's the first time we met the evil leapers - there to work for evil, making things go wrong. And then there's Lothos, the evil counter-part of Ziggy. I think that's why they wanted to get me, because they didn't like me putting right what once went wrong. Undoing all their work. Fade to music... SAM ...and, while all the coal miners were distracted, he disappeared from the bar in a blue glow! TAMLYN So Strapa was another leaper? SAM Yes, but not evil.... Like me; there to help others. And the bartender is the one that helped me to understand that... Fade to music... SAM ...so, basically, when Teresa chose to run for class president, not only [Gang Leader's] future changed, but the future of others changed for the better, as well. TAMLYN Including your wife? SAM Including my wife.... I loved my wife. That's why I married her. But I understand now that she wasn't my true soul-mate. Maybe that's why people get married and then end up divorced. After Beth, Al loved every one of his wives when he married them, but all four marriages ended in divorce. That's because Beth was his soul- mate, and he knew she was in his soul, so his marriages after her didn't work. You're my soul mate, Tamlyn. And I had to travel through time to find you. Fade to music... SAM ...but I feel so bad about Al... Sam is distraught. They have arrived at Tamlyn's door; they enter. TAMLYN I think you were meant to help Al exactly when you did! If you had set Al's life right that first time, would he have been able to help you as much as he did in your leaps after that one? SAM What do you mean? TAMLYN I mean he wouldn't have had all the knowledge he had from all his other wives; would he? Knowledge you both needed and used so many times in leaps after the one where you met Beth! SAM You mean you think I wasn't SUPPOSE to help him the first time? I wasn't suppose to tell Beth not to remarry? TAMLYN Yes, that's exactly what I mean! I really don't think you were meant to help him until you did. Otherwise, you couldn't have helped all those other people after that; not if Al hadn't married all those other women. He never would have known all the stuff you both used to help..... how many people? SAM A lot. I guess you're right. But it seems I'm always slow at helping the very people I care about. The people in MY life. TAMLYN Not true! You saved me... And your brother... SAM Yes, but I didn't help Al with Beth the first time around. And I didn't help him in Vietnam. And when I saw him right before I leaped here I was so wrapped up in my own loneliness I forgot to tell him to get in touch with Teresa. TAMLYN Sam, I truly believe you helped Al when you were meant to. And you don't have to worry about Teresa. I believe her life is exactly how it should be. SAM Do you really think so? TAMLYN Yes. I have a feeling... SAM A psychic feeling? They laugh. They embrace; remain there. SAM Well, I hope you and your psychic feelings are right. But I wish Al hadn't had to wait so long for me to finally fix things for him. TAMLYN Do you wish Al hadn't had to wait, or that you hadn't had to wait? SAM What do you mean. TAMLYN I mean, how does that work, exactly? Time-wise, did Al have to wait at all? SAM Well... No, I guess he didn't. Once his life was changed, that became his life immediately. TAMLYN (leans back to look at him) So does he know about you not helping him the first time? Does he even know about you helping him this last time? SAM (looks preoccupied, not completely satisfied) He wouldn't know about a change in his life unless he had been with me when it happened... When his life was changed. And he wasn't with me. TAMLYN (still in the embrace, leaning back) So did he get to experience all those years with Beth... I mean, is that right? As if his life without Beth had never happened? SAM No. I mean Yes! I mean... Well, once what happened was changed, then the time-line where Beth remarried and Al was miserable in 5 different marriages never happened. So he doesn't know I didn't help him. And he wasn't with me when the change was made, so yes, he got to experience all those happy years with Beth. He doesn't know about the other time line, so, yes, he doesn't know I helped. TAMLYN (smiles knowingly) I'll make tea. SAM Hey, who's the time-traveler here! Tamlyn breaks out of their embrace and goes toward the kitchen. SAM Know-it-all! Or maybe smart-ass is a better term! The camera follows Tamlyn as she looks over her shoulder and flashes a grin at Sam, then leaves the room. The camera remains with Sam in the living room as he contemplates what he and Tamlyn just said. TAMLYN (calls out from off camera) You really care about Al. Sam sits down, smiles and looks reflective. Flashback: Sam recalls the scene from "Mirror Image" where he and the Bartender-Al were talking about Sam's relationship with Al. During this, Sam said, "if I'm Don Quixote, then Al is my Sancho. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for me." Bartender-Al, "Nor you for him." Sam, "Nor me for him." SAM Yes, I really care about him. I have a very special relationship with Al. He is my best friend; but we're closer than that. Closer than brothers. TAMLYN (calls out from kitchen) You are a nice man, Sam. Tamlyn enters the room with a tray of tea cups, saucers, sugar and cream. She sets down the tray and walks over to Sam. TAMLYN I can see you dedicating your life to helping others. I can see it in your eyes. (she kisses his eyes) So it's been you? Picking targets, so whoever-your-boss-is can bounce you around through time? SAM Yes. And that's gotta be why I was able to come back to you. I picked the target! They embrace. Al appears. Tamlyn senses Al, as she did during "Temptation Eyes" episode in series; moves out of their embrace.=1A