QUANTUM LEAP - REUNIONS ACT 1A INT. QUANTUM LEAP CONTROL ROOM - THE FUTURE Everyone is busily attending to various jobs. Gushie is at the controls frantically trying to take care of something. Al enters with Dr. Beeks; they are talking about Sam. GUSHIE Admiral. AL Just a minute, Gushie. I'll be right with ya. Now, Dr. Beeks, I don't quite understand how the stress syndrome thing has... GUSHIE (Interrupting Al with great urgency in his voice.) Admiral! I need you right now! It's Dr. Beckett. He leaped over 2 minutes ago. Al What? Ah, nah, nah... NO! We can't lose him now. We just can't. He needs our help! ...Can you track him? Where is he? Is there anyone in the Waiting Room? GUSHIE No one, Admiral, and no indications showing traces of momentary leaps into individuals which would indicate he is bouncing around through time. We do not know to where, or when, Dr. Beckett has leaped. It is quite probable he has again leaped as himself. And, if that is the case, Ziggy will have to do another NANO search in order to find him which, I'm afraid, requires your participation. Al Isn't there any other way? GUSHIE No, I'm afraid there's not.... Admiral? You wouldn't happen to have any "feelings" again about it being his birthday, or where to look, would you? Al shoots Gushie an exasperated, irritated look. GUSHIE I'm sorry, Admiral. I was just hoping. But.... Well, it is the only way to find him. AL (with fatalistic resignation) God, I hate to go through that again. Sam, 'ol buddy, it's a good thing you're worth it. CUT TO: Al stands in the whirlwind. CUT TO: Sam leaves Beth's house. He picks up a newspaper off a yard, takes it out of the plastic bag, opens it, and looks at the headlines. SAM (Voice-over as he reads through the paper) During all these years of leaping through time to help put right what once went wrong, we all thought there was a higher power leaping me around; whether it was God, or Fate, or Time itself.... I can hardly believe I'm the one. I'M doing it. I'm leaping myself around within my own lifetime, helping others, righting wrongs. I am achieving my dreams. Sam closes paper and looks around. As he speaks, he folds the paper up and places it back in the plastic bag. SAM (states out loud with conviction) I can't go home yet; there's so much going wrong in the world every day; so much to put right. Who knows what I can accomplish before I'm done. Sam drops the paper where he found it; leaps. EXT. Shot of mountain used during series Caption: "Stallions Gate, New Mexico - 5 years later". FADE TO: INT. QUANTUM LEAP COMPLEX - THE FUTURE Al and Donna are walking through the complex toward the control center. They pause and look through a glass partition at Sammy Jo (Sam's daughter with Abigail) as she is working. AL (conversational, upbeat, looking at Sammy) Sam's daughter's doing great. Thank God she was able to synthetically duplicate my neurological output so I don't have to stand in that damn whirlwind while Ziggy does the NANO search for Sam. Now we can search non- stop; 24 hours a day. Al glances at Donna as they resume walking. AL Is she any closer to figurin' out a better way to bring him home when we find him? DONNA (distant, as if quietly musing; not looking at Al, but rather at an unknown point in space, quietly stresses the second "if", as though in a dreamy state:) You mean "if", Al... "if" we find my husband. AL (stops for just a moment and turns to Donna with a serious look of concern; Donna keeps walking) Donna? (catches up with Donna and then continues walking with her and speaks her name a slight bit stronger) Donna! As Donna stops and turns to face Al, he examines Donna's face during his next line and throughout her reply with his way of skeptically eye-balling a situation when he feels something is not quite right. AL You're not still bitter about Sam's daughter workin' here with us, are you? DONNA (visibly composes herself, but replies as if nothing had happened) No, Al. I'm not bitter about Sammy. (she and Al continue walking) She has some bright, new ideas. But I don't think she has developed anything that has adequately increased the odds. Ziggy is still only projecting a 32% chance of a successful retrieval. AL (tries to elicit a positive reaction from Donna) Yeah, but don't forget the odds are goin' up every day.... (now with more concern) Donna, I'm worried that's not the real problem. Are you sure you're OK with all of this? DONNA I'm fine, Al. Really. Really fine.... Really. I mean... well... actually no. No, I'm not fine! I'm miserable. But it's not Sammy... not exactly. (stops and turns to face Al) If you really want me to be completely honest about it, I'm bitter about Sammy's mother, and every other woman Sam has been with since this terrible nightmare started. There. I've said it. I shouldn't have... didn't intend to.... but I'm glad. I'm glad I said it. Now you know. But... Well, I'm glad it's out in the open and now you know. Donna and Al resume walking. Al is sympathetic. DONNA I could forgive all of it and I could wait forever, if I could feel some sense of hope that we will ever be able to bring him home again. But, Al, I don't believe it matters what the odds of a successful retrieval are, I still don't think we're ever going to find him to try to retrieve him! What's he doing out there? I've been over the tapes and transcripts of your last contact with him a million times and it just doesn't make any sense. If he IS the one leaping himself around, why hasn't he come home?... Either he can't... or he just doesn't want to. AL Donna, Sam isn't the one leaping himself around. DONNA I'm not so sure anymore. AL Well, I am. Donna looks at him quizzically, searching for reassurance. AL If he could control it, he'd be here. He'd come home. DONNA (with a slight smile) I wish I could be sure you were right, Al. (the smile fades) I couldn't handle it, if he was the one doing it and he just didn't want to come home. I have to believe there's some other reason keeping him away. But that's like a double edged sword... if there is some other reason, that means he's in trouble. AL Donna, everything'll be alright. You'll see. DONNA I'm not so sure, Al; he told you he was the one leaping himself.... AL Donna... he told me a BARTENDER told him he was the one leaping himself around through time. DONNA (sheepishly) Well, yes. I keep forgetting... and the Bartender saying it does make a difference... in the general concept.... But I get so scared and full of doubts.... Al, I have this terrible feeling that it's all true; that it really is Sam that's doing it... and maybe that he's been doing it all along. AL Donna, it hasn't been Sam! It's been the experiment; the Quantum Leap Project... run by a computer with the biggest ego in the universe! And you know that Dr. Beeks says the last time we saw Sam he was probably suffering from an overload of exasperation - sort of like delayed-stress- syndrome... like he'd been at war... and he was inventing reasons he hadn't been able to come home. Donna All the more reason to try and help him. If he's not the one leaping himself around, then something has gone terribly wrong and he's probably no longer able to leap into someone else. They walk in silence for a moment, each with looks indicating they still believe their own point of view, but obviously each has a nagging suspicion that the other may be closer to the truth of the matter. Donna (to herself) I'd almost rather that were true! Oh, dear God, please forgive me but I'd rather he were in trouble. (spoken to Al) I know that could mean disaster for him, but I'm afraid I could handle that easier than him just not wanting to come home to me. But, Al, if he is in trouble... Al, Sam needs our help. We're going to have to go get him. AL Donna, we've already been through this a gazillion times. They arrive at the control room and enter. AL It's just too dangerous. GUSHIE (looks up from his work at the controls) What is too dangerous, Admiral? AL Donna's back on her kick about wanting to play Rescue Team to go fetch our boy. GUSHIE Oh, Doctor Alissie, I still strongly advise against such action. DONNA (argumentative) It's been 5 years! Sam is going to be stranded out there forever unless we go get him! GUSHIE I disagree. We have come quite close to locating him on numerous occasions. True, we have not been successful in getting a complete lock on his location to allow Admiral Calevichi to contact him before he leaps again; but I am confident that we will eventually be successful. But, these things take time. DONNA I feel like I have no time left. AL Donna, we've just got to keep scanning all years until we find him. And we will find him. GUSHIE And don't forget, when Dr. Beckett leaps into someone rather than traveling through time as himself, we will immediately be able to get a lock on him. DONNA That's just it, I don't think he can leap into someone. But I think I can go to him; I can leap to him. I've been working on the program to convert it to my... AL Donna, Sam is alright. Hell, he's a hero! And, think about it! With Fate, or God, or whatever-it-is that's been leaping him around through time letting him be himself to the people he has helped or saved over the last few years: that's got to be like a reward to Sam. Believe me, Donna; even if he never leaps into someone again, we'll find him. Like Gushie said, it just takes time... and patience. GUSHIE Please have faith in the Project, Doctor. We will find him; and when we do, we will bring him home. But, please believe me, it's just too dangerous to try to send another traveler. Donna looks away from both men and gazes up at Ziggy. DONNA You both know as well as I do that, even if we find Sam, we'll never be able to bring him home again.=1A